Water & Sewer Rates


Breaking Down Rates and Fees

Providing reliable and high-quality water and wastewater services to the City of Cheyenne is the primary goal at the Board of Public Utilities. All revenue generated from water and wastewater rates are reinvested back into the construction, maintenance, and operation of Cheyenne's water and sewer system. All day-to-day operating costs and unplanned work, such as water main leaks, are paid solely by rates and fees, not taxes.

Each April, the Board Members at the Board of Public Utilities review the rates, charges and fees, and provide recommendations to the Cheyenne City Council. Through a City Ordinance, City Council members adopt rate changes to fund essential repairs and upgrades to Cheyenne's water and sewer system, which normally begin January 1st of the following year.

The water and sewer bills consist of two parts:

  1. Monthly service fee, based on the water meter size.
  2. Amount of water used.

A summary of common water and sewer rates is found below. For reference, most homes have a 5/8 or 3/4-inch water meter. An exhaustive list of water and sewer rates can be viewed and downloaded by clicking on the corresponding document near the bottom of the webpage.

Monthly Service Fee (Based on the Water Meter Size)

Effective with metered consumption beginning in November, which will appear on bills issued after January 1st each year.

Water - Monthly Service Fee
Meter Size January 1, 2024 January 1, 2023
5/8-inch & 3/4-inch $7.29 $6.75
1-inch $9.28 $8.59
1 1/4-inch & 1 1/2-inch $14.75 $13.66
2-inch $18.37 $17.01
3-inch $71.53 $66.23
4-inch $85.17 $78.86
6-inch $110.73 $102.53
8-inch $144.76 $134.04
10-inch $187.32 $173.44
12-inch $248.54 $230.13
Sewer - Monthly Service Fee
Meter Size January 1, 2024 January 1, 2023
5/8-inch & 3/4-inch $6.34 $5.76
1-inch $7.36 $6.69
1 1/4-inch & 1 1/2-inch $9.01 $8.19
2-inch $12.72 $11.56
3-inch $18.15 $16.50
4-inch $25.53 $23.21
6-inch $43.57 $39.61
8-inch $65.35 $59.41
10-inch $87.13 $79.21
12-inch $108.94 $99.04

Water Used (Volumetric Charge per 1,000 Gallons)

Water - Rate per 1,000 Gallons
Customer Tier January 1, 2024 January 1, 2023
Single Family
First 6,000 gallons $5.29 $4.90
Next 18,000 gallons $6.53 $6.05
Next 18,000 gallons $8.12 $7.52
Over 42,000 gallons $10.11 $9.36
Commercial / Industrial $6.05 $5.60
Treated Irrigation $6.79 $6.29
Untreated (Raw) Irrigation $3.23 $2.99
Reclaimed (Effluent) Water $3.05 $2.82
Recycled Water $3.05 $2.82
Sewer - Rate per 1,000 Gallons
Customer January 1, 2024 January 1, 2023
Residential $6.24 $5.67
Commercial $6.36 $5.78
Industrial $6.40 $5.82

Water & Sewer Rates

Water and sewer rates are assessed to:

  1. Pay for the operation and maintenance of the water and sewer systems;
  2. Pay for the cost of repairs, replacements, and upgrades to the system;
  3. Cover usual extensions and enlargements;
  4. Provide for emergency expenses.

Refer to the provided documentation below for more information.

Visit the Board of Public Utilities' Projects page to view projects made possible by your water and sewer rates.

System Development Fees

System Development Fees are assessed to pay for the cost of over-sizing water and sewer mains and to recover the cost of expanding Cheyenne's water and sewer systems. For more information about system development fees and tap fees, refer to the provided documentation below.

Visit the Board of Public Utilities' Projects page to view projects made possible by system development fees.

Rate Ordinances and Other Fees