Hauled Wastewater
Any business or person engaged in the commercial pumping/cleaning of septic tanks, septage holding tanks, and chemical toilets is termed a Wastewater Hauler. Septage will only be accepted from/within Laramie County. Requests to accept waste from out of Laramie County locations will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and must have written approval from the Water Reclamation Division Manager.
Any Wastewater Hauler disposing at the Board of Public Utilities' Water Reclamation Plant must comply with all the of the following provisions:
Want to be a new hauler or add additional trucks?
To be a hauler for non-hazardous liquid waste in Laramie County, there are a few requirements that need to be completed through the Laramie County Environmental Health Department. Check the hauler license(PDF, 94KB) requirements.